«Talk Like a Pirate» Geocoin Bronze Finish – Begrenset opplag

Hjem / Handle / Geocaching / Sporbare produkter / Coiner

"Talk Like a Pirate" Geocoin Bronze Finish - Begrenset opplag

NOK 195.00
"Talk Like a Pirate" Geocoin Bronze Finish - Begrenset opplag
"Talk Like a Pirate" Geocoin Bronze Finish - Begrenset opplag

Hjem / Handle / Geocaching / Sporbare produkter / Coiner

"Talk Like a Pirate" Geocoin Bronze Finish - Begrenset opplag

NOK 195.00
Model Nummer: 6011734
Maksimal mengde overskredet
Minimum kjøpesum er 0 artikler er påkrevd
Maksimal kjøpesum på 0 er tillatt
Din pris: NOK 195.00
En engangs pris på NOK 195.00 vil bli lagt til ordren.
1 stk på lager
Leverandør: Groundspeak
  • Beskrivelse

International Talk Like a Pirate Day feires hvert år den 19. September. Det er en dag der å snakker pirat ikke bare er akseptabelt, men oppmuntret. Denne detaljerte mynt hedrer den spesielle dagen.

Denne mynten ble lagd eksklusivt av den kjente designeren Christian A. Mackey.

Den måler ca 5 cm i diameter og er sporbar på Geocaching.com med et unikt ikon.

Some design notes from Chris Mackey:

Since it's TALK like a pirate, I looked for most quoted pirates and Francois L'Olonnais is at the top of the heap with his infamous "I shall never henceforward give quarter" as he vowed revenge on the Spanish soldiers who murdered his crew and turned this mild mannered country peasant into the most fearsome and bloodthirsty pirate to pillage the sea. He was cunning, daring, determined and demented in his single-minded pursuit of sating his revenge. Like most pirates, his career was short-lived. Despite numerous escapes from irons, he was finally captured, cooked and eaten by a cannibal Kuna tribe near Darien.

On the face is his dashing remains with his signature soul patch and rapier mustache and the musketeer garb he styled himself with frequently as he fought for the French crown. On the reverse is the heart (scary part of the stories) surrounded by the manacles of his slavery days as a child, his clam shell-guard cutlasses, the stolen cannon of Maracaibo, his lead ship of eight and finally the torch and musket he employed in his daring raids.